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Writer's pictureKatie Cheadle

Excavating Buried Dreams

As I contemplate the Gene Keys tonight, I'm thinking about my life's work. Both the brand of my vocation and the very essence of who I am and how I relate to the world around me. It seems like both a mystery and a knowing, as the tapestry of archetypes, my gifts, and the unique story of my unfolding weave together.

I spent the first half of my life in the role of an athlete. Tonight I can smell the dirt of a freshly dragged field. I sense the wet blades of grass in the outfield and I can hear the crunch of my cleats hitting the ground as I take my position. I was supersticious, never touching the chalk lines which dictated what was fair and foul. My body was surging with energy, my frequency was my gift. The way I used my voice to lead was a source of self empowerment and an anchor for my teammates. Through our synergy, we would find long states of flow. Each individual knowing their role and playing their part.

This past weekend I spent time with tribe and I can't help but think that maybe it's all the same. Perhaps it's not the coach creating a line up, but the universe divinely bringing us together. Maybe there's not an umpire making calls, but our soul's defining sacred contracts. In this world there are no winners and losers, we're all just coming together to serve the collective mission and create a more beautiful world.

I ask myself, "Do we all understand our role? How can we each bring our potent medicine and authenticity to the space? How can we each do our part to harmonize and create synergy?" Instead of physical training, we commit to our art. Instead of long practices and repetitive drills, we devote to opening and softening our hearts over and over again. We each promise to do the healing work, so we can participate in a new paradigm. The standard for being a good teammate includes radical honesty, transparency, and dedication to mid-wifing each other's Highest Self.

This journey is both one we walk alone and with others. In order to show up authentically in relationships, we must be able to excavate the lost parts of ourselves. Courageous choices must be made every day, and our ability to make those choices is inextricably linked to our own sense of worthiness and the love that exists in our hearts. If you KNOW you are worthy of living the life you imagine for yourself, you are already well on your way towards authentic embodiment.

You no longer have to fit into boxes that already exist. You can reshape, reclaim, and co-create a world in your divine image. You can connect to your life's work and excavate those buried dreams. Only the archeologist of yourSELF can crack the soul's code. What do you need in order to shine your light and share your gifts with the world? Do you have the courage to honor whatever that is?

Your spirit speaks in dreams, memories, symbols, archetypes, and whispers reminding you of your deepest longings. Keep shoveling away the noise of disbelief and illusion, as you uncover the shards of purpose, peace, and the passions that bring you joy.

For the sake of all that is holy, please believe you are worthy of a beautiful, magical life.

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